14 July 2011


Still on the subject of billboards.   A friend has a radical (and impossible) suggestion for the MMDA.  Remove all the  billboards along EDSA.  He finds most billboards offensive, to his aesthetic sense.  I guess he’s right about the ugliness factor.  Some could kill the hapless passerby during a raging storm.  But most already kill the few vestiges of good art sense.

I hope advertisers would take their cue from great movie poster-making.  Thanks to direk Paolo Dy for the heads-up on the new Batman poster which is worth blogging about.  The movie posters I love are exercises in beautiful and arresting iconography.  The don’t give everything away, unlike some billboards which are simply magnified brochures.  The graphic is usually singular and simple, yet fresh and intriguing.  It excites, and makes you yearn for more.

The Batman posters through the years are also noteworthy for their consistency.   The style is all Batman’s, and it’s instantly recognizable.  No wonder Batman remains as one of the most successful franchises in movie history.

I hope Bench would replace the Volcanoes billboards with something as iconic as Batman’s.  6-packs could actually be tiresome.

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